Kids are making more than you could in a year while working for just 2-4 hours a day. How?

Does it sting?

Watching others bask in the freedom of passive income,

While you’re grinding for 12 hours a day, just to make ends meet.

You’ve tried your hand at online selling, at making money on the internet, but to no avail. Why?

You’ve seen those YouTube videos, the ones promising the secret to earning $10K a month,

You’ve seen the PayPal notifications popping up on YouTubers’ screens,

But when you gave it a shot, why didn’t it work?

Here’s the harsh truth they didn’t tell you, the same truth that led me to feel scammed.

When I embarked on my journey to earn my first thousand dollars,

I scoured the internet, seeking a path to financial freedom.

All the while, I was clocking in 10-hour days at a store,

Each video I watched filled me with hope that I, too, could make it.

I tried everything:

  • Blogging

  • YouTube

  • Survey websites

  • Selling digital products

  • Consultation

But nothing seemed to work.

The reason? It was right there, staring me in the face, and you can see it too.

The secret is this…

Neither you nor I focused on what truly matters: building a community,

Fostering strong relationships with our readers, followers, or subscribers.

I was so fixated on selling my product, on seeing those dollar signs,

But it’s not about the numbers, it’s about trust.

And the blunt truth back then? They didn’t trust me.

I was just another voice in the void, shouting, ‘Buy this, Buy that.’

But when this realization hit me, everything changed.

I began to build a community, and before I knew it, I made my first $100K. All while working just 4 hours a day and spending more time with my loved ones.

Finally, my dream had come true.

Beehiiv Dashboard

Feedback from readers

All this was done alone.

But how did I transition from being just another 9-5 worker to earning my first $100K?

The answer is newsletters.

Currently, I run three newsletters with a subscriber base exceeding 150,000,

And you can do it too. As I’ve mentioned, building a community is the key to unlocking that freedom.

However, not every newsletter is a success story, many fail,

My first two newsletters (Onemintueread, and B2B News) were prime examples of such failures.

The issue was, unlike others, I was paralyzed by fear.

Fear that my writing wouldn’t be appreciated.

Fear that people wouldn’t connect with my words and consequently, my newsletter wouldn’t grow.

That was until I confronted my fear, stepped out of my comfort zone, and started posting.

Moreover, I honed my skills in ghostwriting and crafting persuasive content.

These two skills proved to be more lucrative than I had anticipated.

Become part of the creator economy.

The future is set to reward creators who have built a community.

In my experience, the most straightforward way to build one is through newsletters.

The only hitch?

It’s not just about the lack of guidance on how to effectively grow your list - the moment you start accumulating newsletter subscribers, you’re left clueless on how to create a newsletter that persuades a reader to accept your offer!

That’s precisely why I founded Newsletter School, to help you join the creator economy and yes, earn more than you ever could in a job you loathe.


To learn how to write persuasive content



X (Twitter) Growth

To grow and build your community



ChatGPT Mastery

To help you hone your writing skills



And there’s more where that came from in the series.

But what’s the cost to gain access to all of this?

Zero, for the first week.

That’s right, you’ll have full access to everything, absolutely free, during a one-week trial.

I want you to experience the trial and determine if this is something you can commit to.

After that, it’s not $299 or $199, but a mere $49 per month.

No need for credit card details or payment information for the free trial.

Simply enter your email, and your trial begins.

I’m not here to peddle some get-rich-quick scheme, I don’t subscribe to such fallacies.

Creating wealth and making money requires hard work,

And I’m here to guide you on the correct path to achieve it.

Start your one-week FREE trial now! 👇